Module 1: Role of the Leader
Step 1) Overview: You can be effective while taking on leadership responsibilities if you study the role of the leader and understand the expectations that are associated with this role. The leader sets goals, acts on these goals and plans for the long term. People expect their leader to give them a sense of belonging, behave with honesty and authenticity, give them a sense of the importance and relevance of their contributions and impart an element of excitement to the achievement of goals. You must invest in some introspection about the work at hand and how you plan to conduct yourself in order to fulfill your role as a leader.
Step 2) Action Learning: Please watch the following two videos.
The first video below gives you a 5-minute introduction to the major responsibilities of a leader. The major responsibility of a leader is setting and acting on goals. Planning, implementing and evaluating are the 3 primary activities that help a leader in moving his or her team or group toward their goals. Contingency plans – your response to “What do we do if unexpected events take us off the course we had planned?” – are an integral part of a leader’s job.
The second video below is a 3-minute introduction to the expectations that people have of their leaders. It gives you an opportunity to examine your own behavior and evaluate the need for change, if any. Trust is the foundation of leadership, the ability to excite people to exceptional performance. What do community, authenticity, significance and excitement mean in the context of your work? This video completes the picture of leadership and the role of the leader – the image that you carry with you as the goal of your professional development as a leader.
Step 3) Points to Ponder:
1). Look back over the past year: how important has planning, implementing and evaluating been for the ability of your group, team or department to meet its goals? Describe the planning process, implementing process and evaluating process that you have experienced in the workplace. Were there any unexpected events that demanded and adjustment or modification of your plans? Did your group or team have a contingency plan that helped you with the course correction?
2). Examine your strengths and weaknesses as a leader: how easy or difficult is it for you to build trust among the group you work with and to excite people to deliver exceptional performance? How can you improve on these dimensions?
3). What is the meaning of community, authenticity, significance and excitement in your workplace? Identify and be prepared to discuss one specific behavior of yours that could help you deliver as a leader on each of these dimensions.
4). What are the lessons learned from this Module?
Step 4) Interactive Discussion: After viewing Videos 1 & 2 and exploring the Points to Ponder check your calendar for the Interactive Discussion scheduled for this Module. Go to the session prepared to discuss the lessons learned with others in your Greater C Next Gen cohort. If you have any questions or need more information please send a message to dr.kamath@artesiaa.com