RSC Level 1 Module 2: Leadership
Step 1) Overview: As you develop and grow in the workplace you will have opportunities to step into leadership positions and lead work projects or change initiatives. How do you prepare yourself to be a leader? What is leadership? What are the choices you have to make in order to function effectively as a leader? Leadership skills can be learned and all of us can improve our leadership skills by understanding the work of a leader and the ways in which successful leaders match their behavior as leaders with the specific leadership task at hand
Step 2) Action Learning: Please watch the two videos below.
The following video is a 4-minute segment that gives you a description of the seven qualities of a leader: vision, courage, integrity, humility, strategic planning, ability to focus on results and ability to build on strengths. Clearly you are not going to require leadership at the very beginning of your journey of professional growth in the workplace. However like all journeys, it is important to know your destination. We start with a clear concept of leadership because that is where you are headed and you need to focus your attention on acquiring and building these qualities as you go along
The following video below, is a 6-minute segment that introduces you to the different leadership styles and the specific conditions under which each style is most appropriate. Once again it is important to learn about the different styles and the different conditions under which each style is most appropriate before you are required to lead a team and be accountable for team results. This knowledge helps you observe the leaders around you as they inspire, motivate and lead their teams. Most importantly, this knowledge helps you think about yourself as a leader and ask yourself, “How would I have handled that situation?”
Step 3) Points to Ponder:
1). While a few people are born leaders most of the rest of us have to learn how to be a leader. Identify qualities of a leader that you are naturally endowed with and identify qualities of a leader that you anticipate you will have to make an effort to acquire. Discuss this with colleagues who can give you a validity check on your qualities as a leader.
2). Have you observed leaders in action in your company? Have you noticed a leader adopt a leadership style that was highly appropriate for the situation? Be prepared to describe this example and explain why you thought the style was appropriate. Have you noticed a leader adopt a leadership style that was highly inappropriate for the situation? Be prepared to describe this example and explain why you thought the style was inappropriate.
3). Can you identify someone in your company whom you consider an accomplished leader? Can this person serve as a role model for you? How would you seek out opportunities to learn from his / her experiences?
Step 4) Interactive Discussion: After viewing Videos 1 & 2 and exploring the Points to Ponder check your calendar for the Interactive Discussion scheduled for this Module. Go to the session prepared to discuss the lessons learned with others in your Rising Star cohort. If you have any questions or need more information please send a message to dr.kamath@artesiaa.com
Step 5) Next Level: (Optional): Read the Reference:“5 levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential” by John C. Maxwell published by Center Street (2013) ISBN-13: 978-1599953632