The Greater C Next Gen Leader's Program is a self-directed, action-learning program designed to start a selected cohort on a journey of personal and professional development. This program explores the role of the leader, motivation, crucial conversations, managing conflict, delegation and performance appraisal in the creation of business success.
Module 4:
Managing Conflict
• Analyze different kinds of conflict to design the appropriate corrective action.
Conflict is a common feature of the workplace. An effective manager knows how to analyze conflict, evaluate when the conflict is harmful and step in to manage the conflict when needed. Conflict can emerge around procedures, goals, relationships and values. Each type of conflict can escalate into dysfunctional behavior if it is not managed. Conflict can be constructive as well as destructive. A skilled manager will allow constructive conflict to build in order to reap positive outcomes. Destructive conflict must be analyzed and managed to help your team move forward.
Module 1:
The Role of the Leader
• What do people expect from a leader?
You can be effective while taking on leadership responsibilities if you study the role of the leader and understand the expectations that are associated with this role. The leader sets goals, acts on these goals and plans for the long term. People expect their leader to give them a sense of belonging, behave with honesty and authenticity, give them a sense of the importance and relevance of their contributions and impart an element of excitement to the achievement of goals. You must invest in introspection about the work at hand and how you plan to conduct yourself in order to fulfill you role as a leader.
Module 2:
• Understand what motivates people
A significant challenge in your role as manager or supervisor is mastering the art of motivation – the art of improving the performance of your team or department by getting your associates and subordinates to be engaged and pull together. Your ability to motivate your team is a crucial component of your skills as a manager. This module is aimed at uncovering the structure of motivation and giving you some tools to manage motivation in a professional setting. Recognize that there are at least two distinct types of work that are associated with two distinct models for motivation.
Module 5:
• Learn why and how to delegate.
Delegation is an essential ingredient for leadership success for two important reasons: first, a leader’s time is at a premium and unless the leader delegates it is impossible to achieve objectives; second, developing talent is an important responsibility of the leader and delegation is the prime means for deepening the bench strength of the team Learn how delegation works. Understand the conditions under which individuals step up and take responsibility for the tasks you delegate. Learn how to evaluate which tasks you can delegate and which tasks cannot be delegated.
Module 3:
Crucial Conversations
• Listen and speak effectively when the stakes are high, opinions vary and emotions run strong
Sometimes your role as manager or supervisor requires you to have a difficult conversation – a conversation in which the emotional content of the conversation impedes your ability to achieve your objective. Your ability to manage this conversation effectively is crucial for your performance in this situation. This module is aimed at uncovering the structure of difficult conversations and giving you some tools to manage these conversations professionally.
Module 6:
Performance Appraisal
• Robust performance appraisal is the most important tool in your toolbox.
A leader is responsible for developing his team and the key responsibilities of a leader include appraising the performance of all subordinates and engaging in constructive criticism that is aimed at helping the subordinate grow new skills and refine existing capabilities. This module introduces you to the basic principles that will help you monitor and evaluate performance. Additionally this module explains how performance appraisal has evolved and changed in recent years and shows you how companies like General Electric (GE) have modified and updated their performance appraisal methods to suit the competitive conditions of the marketplace